
Christian education opportunities for adults to GROW TOGETHER are available weekly at Morningside Presbyterian — and not just on Sunday mornings. In addition to the classes described below that meet at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays, there are often one-time special programs or learning opportunities to be had with a number of the groups that also regularly meet for fellowship (you can read more about those adult groups here). We explore biblical, theological, spiritual and ethical topics together in these varied offerings. Brief descriptions of of our regular Sunday opportunities follow, but you should be sure to look for announcements on this site (check the Events link), and read the back of the Bulletin on Sundays and the midweek eNews@Morningside email for special dates and offerings that may be available.


Faith Development

This open group—led by experienced members, with frequent special speakers—meets each Sunday in Room 201. This is a great class to drop-in and visit on any Sunday, or to come weekly. Study focus changes throughout the year, covering everything from faith and politics or theological ideas, like forgiveness, to book studies. This class is blessed to have thoughtful, engaging volunteers leading different topics and promoting stimulating discussion in the group. Current topics and studies can usually be found by checking a copy of the latest midweek eNews@Morningside email (click here to see a copy).

Faith & Families

This class, also led by members and guests, focuses on faith and the role it plays in families. Topics cover a wide range—teaching faith to children, being a Christian parent, relationships, and identity. Whatever your family looks like, you are invited to join the fellowship and discussion in the welcome center courtyard or the youth room in inclement weather.

Scripturally Speaking

Our newest class meets in Room 005 with the aim of taking a deep dive into the Bible. We will begin with the book of Genesis and will explore scripture every week as we work our way through the story of God’s relationship with creation. Whether you’re a biblical beginner, someone with LOTS of questions, or know scripture like the back of your hand, this class is for you! Scripturally Speaking is taught by four teachers on a rotating basis, and open discussion is encouraged.



This online group gathers over ZOOM on Mondays from 9:00 a.m.-10:00 am to explore the scripture passage for the coming week with the preacher. No homework, prep-work, or experience is required. Everyone—including the preacher—enters the text with fresh eyes and a chance to explore God's Word together. Those who participate find their experience of hearing the sermon the following Sunday enhanced by this deep dive into the scripture passage for the week. To join, email Rev. Katie Owen Aumann for the link.


This group gathers weekly over Zoom to discuss chapters from the book they are reading together. They cover and discuss topics ranging from race to interfaith dialogue to processing grief and challenges. All are welcome to join—just bring a desire to read and a hunger for fruitful discussions. Meetings are available on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings. Email Rev. Emma Neishloss for more information or to join.


Space is made each week for anyone to participate in this ancient prayer practice. Centering prayer is a prayer not of attention but of intention in which you sit in silence allowing yourself to simply be in God's presence. Gather in the Sanctuary on Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. for a time of centering prayer; then bring your lunch and join in a time of fellowship.